Detective Joseph Stratton was recognized at the July 17, 2018 Fiscal Court meeting for five years of service to the Hopkins County Sheriff’s Office. Pictured, from left, are Judge-Executive Donald Carroll, Detective Stratton and Sheriff Matt Sanderson.
Venolia Johnson, right, was sworn in on July 2, 2018 as the Hopkins County Treasurer by Judge-Executive Donald Carroll.
Hopkins County Fiscal Court honored retiring County Treasurer Cindy Jones during the June 26, 2018 Fiscal Court meeting. Pictured, from left: former County Judge-Executive Richard Frymire, Cindy Jones, and current Judge-Executive Donald E. Carroll.
June 26, 2018 was declared Cindy Jones Day in honor of Jones’ retirement after nearly two decades of service as County Treasurer. Pictured, from left: County Treasurer Cindy Jones, Judge-Executive Donald E. Carroll.
Hopkins County Jail employee Brandon Lampton was recognized at the June 26, 2018 Fiscal Court meeting for 10 years of service to the county. Pictured, from left: Judge-Executive Donald E. Carroll, Lampton, and Jailer Mike Lewis.
Emergency Management Director Frank Wright was recognized during the May 1, 2018 Fiscal Court meeting for 15 years of service to Hopkins County. Pictured from left: Frank Wright and Judge-Executive Donald Carroll.
During the June 5, 2018 Fiscal Court meeting, a proclamation was read declaring the month of June as Relay for Life month in Hopkins County. Pictured from left: Judge-Executive Donald Carroll and Pat Vincent.
At the June 5 Fiscal Court meeting, Tommy Tapp was recognized for 10 years of service in the Hopkins County Public Works Department. Pictured from left: Judge-Executive Donald Carroll, Tommy Tapp, and Public Works Director Jeff Browning.